Rental Inspection Ordinance


The Borough of Jersey Shore is requiring all Rental Property Owners to register with the Borough per Ordinance 2013-08. This online form is for Office and emergency use only. There is no fee to register with the Borough, and tennants will never be contacted. Please email or mail completed forms to the Borough Office. The deadline to submit completed forms will be May 31, 2025. Please call the Borough Office with any questions or concerns. Forms are available by clicking the link below and at the Borough Office. 

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232 Smith St. Jersey Shore, PA. 17740.

New Rental Unit Registration Form - SPRING 2025 (click Here)

In 2013, Jersey Shore Borough Council adopted the Rental Inspection Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2013-08. The purpose of the Ordinance and Rental Inspection Program is to:

  • Promote the safe and sanitary conditions of rental housing;
  • Maintain and increase property values throughout the Borough;
  • Reduce deteriorating rental housing;
  • Preserve neighborhoods and quality of life; and
  • Encourage owner and renter responsible for the condition of rented properties.

All properties designated as offering rental space in the Borough are required to obtain a Rental Unit Occupancy License for all existing properties currently being rented and for any new properties before they are offered for rent.

If you own a property in the Borough that is offered for rent, you will receive a letter from the Central Keystone Council of Government (CKCOG) indicating when your property is due for registration. You will need to complete a Rental Property Application and Registration Statement for each building you own and pay a registration fee of $45 per unit, which will be billed to you annually.

Each property will be required to be inspected every two (2) years. If your annual fees are current, you will not be billed for the inspection fee. If there are complaints regarding the rental unit, the Code Officer can require an inspection at any time, upon reasonable notice. If an inspection is required due to a complaint, the property owner will be billed at the CKCOG hourly rate. If the unit(s) are found to meet all applicable codes, you will receive a letter stating your property is in compliance and a Certificate of Inspection placard. However, if there are any issues with your property, you will receive a letter listing the items that did not pass inspection and the time frame you have to repair those items. Once you have completed the repairs to the items that did not pass inspection, you will be required to contact CKCOG to have the property inspected again.

Once your property has passed all inspections, you will receive a sticker for the current year to place on your Certificate of Inspection placard.

The Borough has adopted the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) by Ordinance 2013-04. The IPMC governs many health and safety issues both inside and outside the property.

If you have any questions regarding the Rental Inspection Program, concerns about your property, or the rental property you live in, please get in touch with the Central Keystone Council of Governments by calling 570-522-1326 and speaking with Meagan Nogle. 

Are you ready for a Property Maintenance Code Inspection?

  1. Are there smoke detectors in each bedroom, hallway(s) outside the bedrooms, and on each level, including the basement?
  2. Does the hot water heater have a temperature and pressure relief valve and a “drip leg” extending 6” from the floor?
  3. Is the area (min 36”) around the water heater and furnace clear of “junk”, trash, boxes, belongings, etc.?
  4. Are all exits (doors and windows) free from an obstruction inside and outside (personal belongings, furniture, shrubbery, etc.)?
  5. Does every room used as a sleeping area have a window? Or two means of approved egress from the such room?
  6. Do all exterior doors open and close easily? Do they lock and unlock from the inside without a key?
  7. Are all fuel-burning equipment in good repair and safe condition, properly installed, and connected to chimneys or vents?
  8. Is the roof in good repair with no leaks?
  9. Does each unit have address numbers that are clearly visible from the street (at least 4” high)?

*This is a list of commonly found violations that will be inspected for the initial cycle. It is NOT intended to be a comprehensive list of all code violations that could occur. If you have questions about specific violations, please contact CKCOG. You can also download the Rental Inspection Program pamphlet.